5 Essential Types of Group Pictures: Expert Tips for Perfect Family Holiday Photos

Capture the holiday spirit with these 5 must-have group pictures. Learn how to expertly take memorable shots that truly reflect the joy of the season.

5 Essential Types of Group Pictures: Expert Tips for Perfect Family Holiday Photos

Family holiday? Yes!

Family pictures? Not so much!

Say you had an amazing trip. And even though you’re home, it doesn’t mean you’re ready to face the daily grind. To put off unpacking—and a gazillion other things—you start flipping through your vacation photos.

But what’s this? What have you got to show for the fun trip you took with the fam? Well, let’s say you’ve managed to capture random pictures, out-of-frame poses, snaps ruined by bad lighting, and so on. Photos you can’t use to show off on social media or ones that won’t look very nice in an album.

Where’s the fun-filled story that you and your loved ones actually lived? What happened to the key moments of your trip? How are you to preserve those moments with your fam? Or, cherish them a few months or years down the road?

That’s what we’re all about today! Inside, you’ll find everything on group photo ideas, including the best poses and expert tips on how to snap perfect pictures while also enjoying your time together!



  • Group pictures, especially with family, aren’t always easy to take
  • Types of must-have group pictures
  • They’re essential for preserving fond memories of family trips
  • With our help, you’ll soon know the best poses to try
  • We also have expert photography tips for you!


Types of must-have group pictures

These are shots that must not be missed. So, even if you don’t try any other group picture ideas, try to capture these while vacationing with the fam:


1. The Joyful Candid Shot

Good for

  • Capturing spontaneous moments.
  • Blending into the scene for natural reactions.
  • Embracing imperfections for authenticity.


Try to get your kids to actually hold a pose for longer than two seconds. They’re more likely to start fidgeting or teasing each other. And that’s what being a kid’s all about. However, it does make taking great family photos a tad more challenging.

So, what do you do? Give up getting a decent picture with all y’all in it? Nope! Stop running after the results you’ll only get from a staged picture. Instead, manage the variables, such as setting, time of day, your own—and your partner’s—pose.

Next, bring in the kids, and let them be their natural, naughty selves. You’ll be surprised at how beautiful the results of such candid shots can be!


2. The Scenic Location Shot

Good for

  • Incorporating the holiday destination into the photo.
  • Utilizing landmarks and unique features.
  • Framing the family within the picturesque surroundings.


You’ve spent your hard-earned cash on a vacation at a specific place. Why not flaunt the location in your holiday family pictures?

If you’re new to that part of the world, build a list of the following spots where you can shoot:


  • Broad vistas with lots of sunlight or the glow of the twilight, such as fields and shorelines
  • Outdoor venues with greenery that serves as a backdrop, like parks for daytime shoots
  • Outdoor places in full shade for midday shooting, such as gazebos and porches
  • Indoor spaces full of natural light with lots of windows and high ceilings


Looking for tips to let you tailor your photos with the hues of your surroundings? Get them here!


3. The Silhouette Sunset Shot

Good for

  • Taking advantage of golden hour lighting.
  • Guiding the family to form recognizable silhouettes.
  • Experimenting with group pictures by posing against the sun.


So, a backlit or silhouette picture can be your artful take when it comes to unique group photo ideas. You’ll love the glowing and thoughtful-looking shots that emerge. While you’ll all be full-shadow, the radiant sky behind will serve as the perfect backdrop.

All of you will be standing in front of the rising/setting sun. And since it requires natural lighting, you should snap this picture during the golden hour for best results—just before sunset or after sunrise.

Of course, you can keep the photos as is, use a dramatic filter to emphasize the contrast between ambient light and your family, or go grayscale.

P.S. Remember, post-editing your photos can help you tell a better, more cohesive story of your travels.


4. The Generational Hand-in-Hand

Good for

  • Symbolizing unity and connection across generations.
  • Arranging family members in a line or circle.
  • Capturing the interplay of different hand sizes.


Sometimes, small gestures can speak volumes. This particular pose embodies and evokes a similar feeling.  Our hands are an important part of us. We use them to express our love for our family with gestures like hugs. So, when all your family members pose with just their hands in the frame, the love you have for each is easy to see.

When trying this pose, arrange it so your hands fill the frame, focusing on holding on to each other. Use a lower aperture number to give the photo a dreamy look. Since a lower number = a wider aperture, the background will slip away while the focus of the photo will be your entwined hands.

Everyone’s going to want to hold on to this photo once you immortalize this moment. So, why not share it?


5. The Spontaneous Moment

Good for

  • Showing the fun side of the trip and as a family
  • Can end up capturing a priceless moment you may have otherwise missed
  • May result in funny but memorable pictures


Funnily enough, the best reactions that make for happy holiday pictures are natural ones! So, keep your camera ready while playing games, taking rides, telling stories, and during any other moment you spend with your family. And you’ll definitely end up with something beautiful.

Keep in mind that not everything has to be pretty. Don’t worry about perfection. Instead, take shots while at the hotel, or while getting ready to go on an adventure. Those preps can turn into some funny holiday pictures and memorable shots!


The End Product


Family memories are priceless and precious. You wouldn’t lose them, sure. But you may also want to have something that triggers those good memories down the road - so make collages, get prints, or ask other members to show you the ones they captured.

The problem with that is importing pictures from wherever you—and those others—have stored them can be a headache! What’s more, it can be a nightmare for the less tech-savvy members of your clan.

So, if you don’t want the photographs languishing in someone’s inbox or laptop, use DropEvent for easy, on-the-go, bulk, and quick sharing. All it’d take is a QR code or a link, and you can all pool your snaps in one place.


A Few Tips to Remember

You’ll be taking pictures featuring your beautiful surroundings. You’ll also capture the must-have family poses we’ve mentioned above. So, what else do you need to know before you can start making and recording awesome memories?


How about these very important tips:


  • Understand that not every shot will be perfect.
  • Don’t stay glued to your camera. As much as it is important to capture good moments, it is also important to live them in real time. Take breaks to maintain a positive atmosphere.
  • Prioritize genuine emotions over stiff poses. The more natural or spontaneous they are, the more fun they’ll be.
  • Allow family members to be themselves. Don’t force them for a pose they’re not comfortable in – their expressions will give it away.
  • Capture in-between moments for authenticity. (Uber to a place, deciding what to do next at a coffee shop, taking a pitstop).


Ensure Good Photography

You don’t want to capture a great moment only to realize that the lighting wasn’t good.


Here are some more photography tips to ensure good group pictures:


  • Consider the holiday schedule and family dynamics. Having an idea will help you predict a few good moments in advance.
  • Ensure everyone is well-rested and in good spirits. Tired faces might ruin a good moment.
  • Take pictures with a wide-angle lens (0.5x zoom) while taking group shots. It’ll accommodate more people in the picture.
  • Lighting matters. So, aim to shoot more within the hours after sunrise/before sunset. And don’t lose hope if you don’t manage to utilize those times. Even some overcast days can have lighting that’s ideal for that magical look.


Beach photography isn’t just for cover models and IG influencers. Use our ideas to capture your own perfect family-centric shots!



Capture the right moments for your family photo album, and the times spent together will always be alive in your memories and hearts. This blog will help you do that effectively since it covers the must-capture poses, from candid moments to scenic shots.

What’s more, if you use DropEvent, you’ll be able to share all pictures/photo album within moments – that too, in original quality— just like the Merrick Family.


Learn more about Drop Event here.



1. How do you take good family pictures on vacation?

Capture fantastic family vacation photos by choosing scenic backgrounds, shooting in natural light, and capturing genuine, candid moments with each other.

2. How do you take memorable pictures?

You can take memorable pictures if you focus on how your family interacts with each other, pick unique angles, and find storytelling moments reflecting the essence of your vacation.

3. How can I make my family look good in pictures?

Make your family look great in pictures with coordinating outfits, natural poses, and capturing genuine expressions and interactions.

4. How do you present vacation photos?

Present vacation photos creatively via a digital album or a photo book,. You can also set up a slideshow with the contents of your DropEvent album.

