The Art of Angles: How to Pose for Photos Like a Pro

Strike these 11 perfect wedding poses in 2024. From intimate moments to dynamic shots, make your wedding memories truly extraordinary as you say "I do"!

The Art of Angles: How to Pose for Photos Like a Pro

Strike a pose, darlings! Want to know how to look good in photos and find out what the most romantic wedding poses are? Then, follow our tips, and you’ll end up with heart-melting images that really show the love you have for each other!

We looooove weddings at DropEvent. The dresses, the prep, the photographs, the unprompted hugs and impromptu selfies…we love it all! When it comes to photos and preserving memories, you know we’re pros at it.

But while DropEvent makes sharing photos with the fam so much easier, we realize one thing: not all couples know how to look good in photos. And when the focus–wrongly–is on looking perfect in every picture, it can be downright nerve-wracking! As if the about-to-be-hitched couple already did not have enough on their plates.

So, we thought we’d drop a few tips on how to pose for photos like a pro.


11 Tips on How to Look Your Best in Your Wedding Poses in 2024

Does the thought of marrying your sweetie curl your toes? Do you also find yourself dreading the big day just because of your wedding photoshoot? Have no fear because we answer all your queries, from how to do a romantic kissing pose to what to do with your arms during a photo.

Let’s begin:


1. Forget Why You’re There

Imagine the first time you lay eyes on your partner…both of you are dressed to join each other in marital bliss. How does it make you feel? You may find yourself reaching out to hug them, giving them a dangerously high-wattage smile, straightening a bowtie, or just enveloping them in your arms. So, just keep thinking like that and stop sweating about the perfection of wedding picture poses!

The most frequent issue couples face when posing naturally is forgetting to act on their impulses. Don’t end a candid, very natural moment too soon. See it through to the end, and ask your photographer to keep snapping while you do.


2. Lay Down Your Arms

Some couples may get how to pose in group pictures but wouldn’t know how to act naturally in solo or couple shots.

For instance, where do the arms go? Do you press them against your body? How should the bride be holding a bouquet? The answer to both those questions is staying relaxed.

Instead of standing rigidly or pressing your elbows into your body, adopt a pose by relaxing and elongating your arms.


3. Treat it Like a Joke

It’s true candid photos let the essence of who you are as a couple shine through. But it’s also true that photographers work really hard to make gorgeous poses, like the two of you laughing together or gazing at each other tenderly, seem natural.

One of our favorite tips on how to look good in photos is to turn the whole thing into a joke! Allow yourselves to be silly and let the laughter in. Squeeze a butt cheek–discreetly–whisper something dirty into your partner’s ear. Or do something you know will get you both laughing in seconds.


Also Read: Making Dreams Come True: 10 Tips to Help You Plan Your Barbie Wedding!


4. Don’t Go into it with Your Eyes Wide Open!

Some people are notorious for blinking when getting their picture taken. And that’s completely okay. If you–or your partner–are the blinker, you can try to time your blink with the snapping of the shutter.

That said, don’t fret if that fails. It wouldn’t take a professional photographer more than a second to shoot another frame.

What you shouldn’t be doing, however, is trying to open your eyes wide in every shot or during all your wedding poses. It’d only get them drier, increasing your chances of blinking in the pictures-to-come!


5. Don’t Kiss and Tell

Want your photographer to catch you two smooching? Go for it! Just keep it clean, and don’t push each other’s noses.

Love drama? Opt for a dip kiss with one–or both–of you popping up a heel for that fairytale romance look.

Want to be smoochy but not over-the-top smoochy? Try forehead kisses or rubbing your noses. Those poses aren’t just cute. They’re also very photogenic.


6. Whisper Sweet Nothings to Your Everything Pose

Capture an intimate moment where one partner whispers a secret into the other's ear. This pose is great for showcasing the closeness and personal bond between the couple. The listener can react with a smile, laugh, or an affectionate gaze, adding a natural and spontaneous feel to the photo.


Here are some tips so you can pull off these wedding poses seamlessly:


  • Pick a quiet, intimate space with soft lighting.
  • Use natural backdrops, such as gardens or beaches.
  • Stand close, facing slightly sideways. Have one of you lean in and act as if whispering a sweet message—or a racy one. Have the other listen intently with either their eyes closed or looking lovingly at the speaker.
  • Incorporate props, such as a love letter written on beautiful stationery, a small bouquet of your partner's favorite flowers, or a single bloom tucked behind the ear.


7. Knock Heads with Each Other

These are some of the cutest wedding photo poses because they can exude a sense of peace and deep connection between the two of you.


Use these tips to get a serene and romantic shot:


  • Go for an intimate setting, such as a quiet corner of the reception.
  • Stand close, facing each other. Gently touch foreheads while keeping your eyes closed with a soft smile on your lips.
  • You can also hold hands or place your arms around each other for added intimacy.
  • For a romantic twist, add a single bloom with a symbolic meaning (e.g., rose for love, lily for purity)—or even your favorite flower.


8. Reveal Your Hand

A walking hand-in-hand pose captures a sense of the couple journeying together into their new lives.

Walk away from the camera, hand in hand, possibly on a scenic path or beach. Both of you could look back over the shoulder at the camera or at each other, capturing a sense of journeying together into your new life.


Nail the walking hand-in-hand wedding picture poses by adding a playful touch:


  • Go for a place with a scenic backdrop, such as paths, gardens, or beaches.
  • Look at each other and smile, laugh, or chat as you walk.
  • The two—or one—of you could also be looking back over their shoulder at the camera.
  • Incorporate props like bubbles you blow and chase, colorful balloons tied to your wrists, paper lanterns you hold aloft, or small flags you wave playfully.


9. Try Out The Lift and Twirl Pose

One of the most playful and dynamic wedding photography poses is the lift-and-twirl. Try to get this shot outdoors—where it works well.


Add a whimsical, fairy-tale quality to the photo with these steps:


  • Choose an open space with enough room for the lift and twirl, such as soft grass or a sturdy surface like a banquet room floor.
  • Have one partner stand firmly with arms outstretched. The other can gracefully jump into their arms, getting lifted and twirled while both partners smile and express joy.
  • Want to add props? Trail a flowing scarf behind you as you twirl, hold a bouquet of balloons that float during the twirl, or hold light-up sparklers aloft to create a magical moment.


10. Let the Sun Set on Your Relationship

You already know sunsets and sunrises are magical hours when it comes to couple photoshoot poses.  Why not make the most of the setting sun for a vibrant and entirely romantic picture?


Snap a dramatic silhouette-based shot with these ideas:


  • Go for an open area with an unobstructed view of the sunset, such as a beach, hilltop, or open field.
  • Stand close, facing the sunset with your backs to the camera, perhaps in a gentle embrace or about to kiss.
  • Hold a prop, such as a heart-shaped balloon or flowing fabric.
  • Ensure your silhouettes are clearly visible.


11. Take a Look in the Mirror

Wedding poses where a photographer utilizes a reflective surface like a mirror to capture the couple’s reflection can add a unique and mesmerizing element to photos. It can add depth and a sense of introspection.


Here's how you can recreate this artistic perspective:


  • Choose a calm and still body of water like a lake, pond, or even a large puddle after rain that offers a clear reflection.
  • Look for scenic surroundings that complement the reflection and add visual interest, such as foliage, rocks, or architecture.
  • Aim for the golden hour when the light’s soft and diffused.
  • For props, use floating candles, paper lanterns, or floral arrangements. You can also use colored smoke bombs timed to go off perfectly.
  • Kneel or sit beside the water. Gently place hands on the floating props, or lean over to admire the reflections.
  • Gaze lovingly at each other or into the reflected eyes and smile.


And that, brides and grooms, brings our blog to an end. Let us know how which of the tips and wedding picture poses you use turned out the best.


Want some more tips like these? Read The 10 Wedding Photo Ideas That’ll Brighten Up Your Wedding Album


Capturing the loveliest images and memorable photos begs the use of the right way to share them. Whether you want to keep them between just the two of you, share them with selected people, or poster everybody’s social media feed with them, we’d advise you to use DropEvent.


Tell Me More About DropEvent

Many couples have been using DE for their weddings, so they don’t miss a single beat—and by beat, we mean a picture!


Wondering why? Besides it’s super easy collection and safe sharing features, here are several reasons you should be doing so too:


  • Your memories stay safe forever. DropEvent also lets you keep adding to your pile.
  • Your guests can use a custom QR code to send the candid shots and endearing images they took on your wedding day. They can upload using any device and do that without being the tech experts some wedding sites expect their users to be!
  • You can set up galleries and events way ahead of the wedding. That means adding photos of the engagement ceremony or rehearsal dinners is easy and totes possible.


Find out how DropEvent works its magic here.


Summing It Up

Even knowing how to look good in photos doesn’t necessarily mean you’d be great at posing for formal bridal photos! The dynamics of having your wedding portraits are slightly different than posing for Instagram pictures.

So, just use our tips to get rid of those wedding photoshoot jitters. Act silly, laugh like you only laugh when it’s just the two of you, and most importantly, stay relaxed.

And once you’re done being your beautiful selves and your photographer has quickly encapsulated those precious moments, use DropEvent to get them out into the world of wedding picture poses.

Want more reasons to use DropEvent? There are so many!




1. What is the most flattering way to pose for pictures?

If you wish for photogenic photos, make sure you adopt the proper posture. By which we mean standing up straight and relaxing enough to pull your shoulders back. Then, tuck in your chin, ensuring it’s not too high or low. And, finally, smile to let the world get a peek into genuine togetherness and happiness.


2. How can I smile better in photos?

We’ve already told you how important a proper posture is for good pictures. But we can add in a tip or two more to help you get that picture on your wedding.

Firstly, smile, but also do it with your eyes. Secondly, don’t let the photographer be your focus. Instead, look at the camera. And that’s how you smile better in photos!


3. How can I look good in pictures?

If you want to look good in pictures, we’d advise taking as many pictures and as often as you can! The more practice you can get in, the more comfortable you’ll begin to feel under the camera’s gaze.

Next, move around instead of standing rigidly. If you’re in a shot with someone else, try changing up your positions. Make it fun and use props. Most importantly, communicate what you want to your photographer.


4. How do you pose for a bride?

This is how you pose for a bride:


  • Relax and have fun! This is your day, so enjoy the moment and let your genuine happiness shine through.
  • Trust your photographer. They are experts at wedding poses.
  • Maintain good posture and positive body language, like open arms and soft smiles.


5. How do you stand in a wedding photo?

Here are some tips to help you stand in a wedding photo:


  • Stand tall with your shoulders back and relaxed.
  • Distribute your weight evenly on both feet.
  • Engage your hands, such as by placing one hand on your hip or holding your partner's hand.
  • Smile!

